Innocence lost
Like everyone
else that works hard for a living, I need my small summer break to recharge my batteries
in the sunny beaches of my homeland, in the village hearth of my parents, with
the engaging company of my son and friends. In these times of crisis, the need
to feel rejuvenated in order to tackle the various challenges life presents us, is even more compelling…I need the time to read, to reflect, to write, to
sleep, to admire the rich nature all around me, to wake up when I want, to
talk, to touch, to plan, to wear khakis and bathing suits all day, to dream…nothing
out of the ordinary here, you might say…Isn’t this what we all more or less
look forward to during our vacation? Yet, even this idyllic moment of a few days
has become almost impossible to even consider as the stream of emails requiring
responses seems overwhelming…Why do I have to even look at them, you may ask? What
if I don’t, I ask? We have become prisoners of our laptops, tablets, and smart
phones…and escape is nowhere in sight…As instruments of pleasure I adore instruments of work, I abhor a result, the pleasure I get from having most of my summer reading list in the form of ibooks, reading news and analsyis, and watching movies on these devices, is nullified by the obligation to check with the office, and respond to all types of legitimate requests...I accept the world as it is, I understand and live in tune with the digital age...yet, there are times I wish some of the innocence of my chidlhood were still the vision I saw today of the old man on his donkey carrying fodder to his sheep reminding me of my long departed grandfather everytime I would spend much of my summer with him...the world moves on, we move we it, and lose much of our innocence along with it...